Where are you?

Are you the only resort?
Why does it happen?
Where did you go?
When troubles tortured me?
When I cried out of pain?
Where were you?
Why should I seek you?
When like a butterfly
Bubbling with joy of colours
Flying spreading my joy
You admired me
Even gave me some colours
A bright smile
Like the sun shine
Where are you now?
When like a dew drop
Shining with the utmost pleasure
On a little blade of grass
A small corner of mine
Disseminating a smile
On every face that came across
Delight of mine own
Where are you now?
When like the white waves
Sparkling bubbles
Snow white with azure blue
Touching every one who come near
Delightful bliss all around
You played with me
Full of joy
Where are you now?
When like a nymph
Sitting on a little purple flower
My fragrance along with yours
Gracing on beautiful nature
Ever green beauteous
Thou enjoy with me
Pleasurable memories
Where are you now?
When like the little drop of rain
I touched everyone
Played around with all
Ambrosia for many of them
A great felicity to you
Untold bliss to everyone one
Downpour of glee
Where are you now?
When like the cuckoo
Perching on the tallest tree
I sat singing
A song of mine own
Solace to all
A pleasurable song to you
Filling everyone
Where are you now?
When like the chill breeze
With a fragrance of jasmine
Love to the lovers
Happiness of fragrance
Delight of redolence
Thou art mine
Thought deceiving
Where are you now?
When all joys were mine
Thou were mine
Nay now I lost my colours
My fragrance, my chillness
Cause I know thou art not mine
My heart tells I want thee
But lo! Thou art not mine
Where are you now?
Why hath this happened?
Pondering on it
Thoughts where this cancer
Spread around my heart
When and where?
Why and what?
I don’t understand
Where are you now?
Why art thou away from me?
I need you
When in need thou art not here!
I need you
Where are you?
I need you
I call out, in pain
I need you
Won’t you be a part of me?
I need you
Be mine always!
Forever and ever.
"If life gives you thousand reasons to cry, Show it you have million reasons to smile"
Ashok Ravi