Is this love?
A beautiful painting
With lush green landscape
I paint it green
Makes it lustrous
But thou sayest
Nay paint yellow
Quietly I nod and change
Red the color of desires
Is mine favorite
I endorse it in me
Adore it a lot
Thou sayest
Nay white is mine
Quietly I nod and agree
Azure blue the fantasy
Admiring the sky
I sigh and cherish it
Carved in my heart
Nay baby thou sayest
Black is the beauty of night
Quietly I nod and agree
The color of gold
Every women adores it
Nay I am not exception
I treasure it in me
Nay dear thou sayest
Silver is most dear
Quietly I nod and agree
Strangers company
Smoke and wine everywhere
Dance and frolic here and there
I abhor dining
But thou likest
Fare or like or dislike
Quietly I nod and agree
Talks of business
Enthralling joy for thee
Away from romance
I abominate it
But thou likest
Fare or like or dislike
Quietly I nod and agree
Admiration for that dame
La belle dame sans mercy
Thy adoration for her
I despise it
But thou likest
Fare or like or dislike
Quietly I nod and agree
High aspiration
Thoughts to touch the sky
Unfulfilled ambitions
I scorn it
But thou likest
Fare or like or dislike
Quietly I nod and agree
I see beauty the way
Thou see beauty
I admire colors
As thou admire it
I enjoy company
As thou enjoy it
I love dislike
As thou like it
The world in mine eyes
Change a lot
I have eyes but lo!
I see the world
Through yours
Thou hath changeth mine world
Is this Love?