When you miss some one…..

Its really nice to have many friends and that one special friend also. But when time says hey buddy you have to part its very heart breaking. Who said death is the worst thing on earth?. If you ask me separation is the worst thing on earth. That is when you are separated from your dear and near ones. Death is something which will be permanent once the person dies you sit and sob for few days or say even years then you tend to forget the person may be some a lovely place or an old photograph will remind you of that person and you would sob again. But separation?. You know that the person exists very much, but you can not reach that person when you want to. That is the worst part of life.
Life can be harsh to you in many ways, one such thing is this separation from your dear one. Time and fate all these three fellows work together and create a kind of vagueness in a person’s life. This is a vacuum, which will never fade. Such vacuums are a part of life, each one of us would have gone through such a torture at one point of time. Now how would a person face this is a million dollar question?
I know once this vacuum is created it makes you forget life around, you long to see that person or persons who you miss a lot. But that’s not possible. Then what could be done to remove this vacuum? This vacuum can never be removed. It’s a pain, a torture, inflicted by God for humans to understand how precious is each and every individual that we meet and come across in life. They may be your friends, you family, or even that one person whom you love… it is only when you are far away from that person/s do you realize how precious they are and how valuable they are to you in your life. I hope all those who are reading this little article of mine will agree what I have said.
If you don’t Friend you are lucky you are not away from your loved ones….
Unlike me…..