Merciless World

Delicious and flavourful Biriyanis,

Chinese noodles to Italian pizzas,

South Indian vada to meals,

Malabar pulav to north Indian Panner Labadar,

Sweet jeelabi or mouth-watering gulab jamuns,

Tall ice creams in glasses or cool milk shakes.


I have it all,

All flavours and flagrances,

To tease my gastronomic indulgence,

And check my level of patience.


Like Indian rishis, I resist temptation,

Day in and day out, it’s the same,

I sigh and smell the aroma before I hand it.


My imagination runs wild,

How would they enjoy it!

May be uncover delicately, like virgin’s clothes,

Who unfurls all the world’s pleasure,

In just a bowl or two.


Like a betrayed lover,

Sighing over the culmination of his beloved,

I long and part with all that I have,

Day in and day out,

Not minding my rumbling stomach,

Mercilessly pick it away, not even a morsel to offer me,

They call me the FOOD DELIVERY MAN.


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