What is Love?

Has anyone ever wonder what this fine emotion is? What is this feeling which makes everyone enjoy life? Suffer pains? Laugh? Cry? What is this feeling the so called Love? Makes me to wonder. I have thought about it so many times.
Love the finest feeling that anyone can ever feel. When I asked different people of different age groups surprisingly I got many lovely answers. My neighbor a little kid five years old told me “love is my MOM”, while another child said “love is my SISTER”. My close friend said “love is my SHALINI” of course that is his fiancĂ©e’s name. My granddad says “love is my FIELD it gives me what I need”, while my classmate says “love is FRIENDSHIP”.
Well Love the finest feeling has so many versions. Milton said "Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder", like wise love can be defined in many ways. It is what a person feels towards another person.
This feeling is what cause which creates so many troubles in you. I don’t believe in love at first sight. That’s just a puppy love no one can call that a true love. Then what is true love? Let me try to define it. That’s a big task, I agree. True love is pure feelings towards that one person for whom you would be ready to do anything in this whole wide world. Well thats a definition that I can give. Of course many of you there will have different views.
If that’s true love then how would one ever express it? I see a big sigh on your face. I know you find it so difficult to impress your gal or guy. You know you love that person but you have no clue as to how you would express it. The thoughts come into your mind when you see her\him you want to say I love you so truly, but unable to express it. Well that’s not only your problem. That’s the problem faced by most of the men\women all over the world. If it is true love that person will surely understand you one day and will surely come to you. This is the trust and belief that every person who is in love should have. If you don’t have this confidence in your Boss you are not in love you are just attracted towards that person. Think again about your feeling.
Now you would like to revert the same question to me right? Yap, I am also in love waiting like most of the guys and gals. Hoping that one fine day my guy would understand me and my pure love, and that I am waiting for him for a long time…..
Great explore about you
u r like sun even u also can not hide urself
great words from great novels