When love is in the air…

Its not only in the month of February that love would be in the air. Whenever you think about that one person, whenever that person tickles your thoughts, whenever you see that person’s photograph, when you think of something that had happened between you both you feel a kind a pinkish feeling, that’s when love would be in the air. Its not only in sending in cards or flowers that one can express their love.
You can understand how much a person loves you just by seeing her eyes said someone. I could not believe it. I thought that I would give it a try. I tried to look into the eyes of the person whom I long to be with, whom I wish I would get married to. But I could not find anything. Those cute little eyes kept staring at me, wondered if it said anything. But alas! I could not feel anything. I thought may be he doesn’t love me he has no such feelings towards me. The funniest part was when I saw another guy who was crazy about me. I thought if this guys loves me I must be able to find it in his eyes, but again it was just the same blank eyes. Finally I realized it’s just the work of another poet or creative writer that you can feel the love in some one’s eyes.
I feel that love can be expressed in just two ways one with words the other with expressions. Even a dumb man would be able to express his feelings with his expressions, is your thought now. But why am I not able to express it? The problem is you love that person so much and you are scared that if the person refuses what would happen. A lover who is not bold enough is not a lover; a love which is not expressed is not love at all. You have to through away your fear and express your thoughts cause if your love is true sure you will succeed.
You might wonder why people say that you will succeed in love, yes its more or less a test a test of life, which God has for each one of us. If you pass you’ll have the best of all if you don’t you’ll have what God has decided instead for you. But I know we always wish for the first choice.
So, good luck to you guys and gals who are in love. Love, is in the air express it and feel the pureness of it.