
Dreams are just a gateway to your thoughts, do you believe in it? Well you should believe it. For whatever you think are the things that would come in your dreams. You think or you desperately want to meet someone or visit a place for sure you will see that person or place the following night in your dream. For example you want to visit the Taj and you are eager about the trip that you are going to persuade few days later. You think about the Taj before you go to bed. For sure that night you dream as if you were in Taj, visiting that place. It’s very natural, then what are dreams?

Dream the word has been taken from the Greek language meaning Joy or Music. During the age old times in Egypt there were many oracles, who used to interpret dreams. These people were considered as holy and blessed by God. But now day’s psychiatrists do this job.

Every dream that a person has can be interpreted. Each dream has a deep meaning behind it. It’s your thoughts. What you want to happen in your life, or something that you could not do in real life, but want to achieve some how.

Every one of us dream, like wise even I dream, even daydream sometimes. Of course I dream of that one person, that one person, whom I wish to see and be with the rest of my life. Life is not always how we want life to be, but we as humans always crave for things that can never happen, which we are not destined to. Alas! Every one of us has such thoughts. Either hidden or explicitly shown to others.

I also have such a thought, a secret thought a secret dream. Ever cherished dream, the fondest of them all. To spend the rest of my life with that one person, be by his side always. But dream always remains as dream.

I can tell you one thing friend may be my dream might not come true, I have never given up my hope, that one day it will come true. One day that person would understand me. Likewise, whatever your dream may be think of it, keep thinking of it, one fine day you will achieve it. I am sure one fine day I would sit in my system to say my dream has been achieved and would also post my dream guy’s photograph, here. Wait until then friends.

So dream, dream and keep dreaming until you achieve your dream………


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