The Road Not Taken
On seeing this picture in the net, my
brain tickled me and brought the great poet Frost’s work ‘The road not taken’
of course it is still misunderstood by many of his readers. On an
organizational context are we ever ready to take the road not taken? Thinking
loud definitely no, may be for Frost it made a lot of difference, but is it
possible for us? We live in a world which is full of ‘Yes Men’ and where any
counter argument with your superior would not be taken in the right sense. Being
ethically right is the most toughest thing that any employee could ever do
these days, easier path trodden is the one which is unethical, which most of us
follow. By unethical I don’t mean using substances at work or swindling money,
even taking office stationary home is unethical. On a lighter note like how Marie
Antoinette (Bloody Mary) said ‘if they don’t have bread ask them to eat cakes’
supply every employee with excess so that they will not look out for unethical
ways to get things. Now if that’s the way I would be waking up Karl Marx from
his grave. No on my opinion as MGR said if the individual doesn’t decide to
restrict or curtail himself to ethical ways and take the straight path no one
else’s preaching can make him do it.
Just a thought, like it, take it or skip it... see you until next post