The unheard tears

Born as male, yet living as female,
A curse to the gender,
Heavily loaded with make-up and lipstick,
Adorned with dazzling attire,
When we walk on roads,
The wave of crowd move away,
Like the red sea parting for the Israelites,
They call us THE THIRD GENDER.

God’s creation, no sin of ours,
Epics talk loud of us,
Loyal followers of Lord Rama,
Legend behind winning the Kurukshetra,
Trustworthy servants of the Chinese emperors,
Alexander the great’s best desire,
Blessed we are on festival days,
Yet deprived of all human rights.

For hunger, we remain platters to men’s pleasure,
Begging by force is not uncustomary,
For none are even trusted as servants,
Thrown away not even equal to dust,
Tattered by the inhuman attitude,
Not even the least respect given to us,
None to understand,
We crumble down in humiliation.

Unfortunate of us,
If it be God, an embodiment of man and women,
Human race kneel down to pray for health,
But for us the treatment is less,
Begging or selling ourselves for food,
None of our folklore in an old age home,
Nor hoarding money for luxury,
Yet not given even least of love.

Alike the God you pray to,
Bestowed with power of blessing,
A great history behind us,
To curse as well as bless,
Call us neither Gods nor the third gender,
We are also humans same as you,
Longing for ages together,
For respect and love…


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