What is Love?
Has anyone ever wonder what this fine emotion is? What is this feeling which makes everyone enjoy life? Suffer pains? Laugh? Cry? What is this feeling the so called Love? Makes me to wonder. I have thought about it so many times. Love the finest feeling that anyone can ever feel. When I asked different people of different age groups surprisingly I got many lovely answers. My neighbor a little kid five years old told me “love is my MOM”, while another child said “love is my SISTER”. My close friend said “love is my SHALINI” of course that is his fiancĂ©e’s name. My granddad says “love is my FIELD it gives me what I need”, while my classmate says “love is FRIENDSHIP”. Well Love the finest feeling has so many versions. Milton said "Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder", like wise love can be defined in many ways. It is what a person feels towards another person. This feeling is what cause which creates so many troubles in you. I don’t believe in love at first sight. That’s jus...