Kinds of men

You in my mind and heart,
Bard thou art a master of different kinds of characters on earth,
Calling all the nymphs and muses to assist me pen,
A tribute to all the men that I have come across,
The different kinds of men that he hath created on Earth
Calling on to the muse of poetry and love to guide my venture,
Here I begin…

Gallant, strong, wild, handsome,
Many attributes to add on like a bag of ransom,
So manly forgetting the better part of life,
Unknowing the rhythm of wife,
For being a gallant strengthens their heart,
Not even a word of praise or smile for an artfully made tart,
Like a strong tornado, wild yet ravishing,
No sweet lady with beauty lavishing,
Would comprehend these unfathomable men.

For you ladies fancying bodily pleasure,
These serve well, for they never treasure,
Thine love but body.

Intelligent, bright, brainy, quick-witted,
Quizzical in all terms, with knowledge stored like hive pitted,
Any subject or topic of complication to discuss,
They are all set to answer it without a fuss,
For these kinds of men have lasting memory,
And they need no bother of their life summary,
For them life is never a mystery, it is all calculated,
For these kinds love and lover are never miscalculated,
Both are just like an unsolvable puzzle.

For you ladies fancying just unimaginable intellect,
These serve well, for they never neglect,
Their books and your quizzical love.

Ravishing, smart, stunning, glowing,
For it seems that beauty is always a salve owing,
Energetic, like a magnet attracts all dames with a smile,
For their stature will never remain hostile,
Fairy- like women buzz around them, as this kind are like honey,
For these men women are just machine making money,
They tranquilize as many dames as possible like a vampire,
Spinning around, all by themselves a big empire,
None can comprehend their depth and life.

For you ladies fancying only ravishing beauty,
These serve well, for they never abhor your beauty,
Until it remains attractive.

Kind, gentle, delicate, soft,
For you never know their existence like a breeze wafted,
Mercy is always seen on their eyes,
For these kind are forever considered wise,
Always thoughtful in every step they take,
For there is truth in all their promises never a fake,
Light as a gentle breeze, with gentleness written all over,
May not be gallant, brainy or smart but never needs a facial cover,
For they are always perfect gentle men.

For you ladies seeking virtuous men,
These serve well, for they always care you,
Till the coffin calls.

Gallant, intelligent, ravishing, kind
A very rare combination indeed, a perfect figure in many a mind,
Their thoughts are a basket of knowledge,
While their ravishing beauty is what everyone acknowledges,
Tender and kind like a mother,
Amalgamations of all perfection to match none other,
Princely and heavenly attitude wise and perfect,
Which no earthly being can ever wrecked,
But for themselves.

For you ladies who seek perfection,
These serve well, for they are immaculate,
But yet to be born on earth.

Four kinds of men on earth,
For none born can ever deny any one of these cadres,
Oh! Ye muses I thank thee for thine mercy,
For mine thought aye blemish less.


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