Away from thee

Away from thee
Distance makes a difference
Jasmines smell bad
Ice cream doesn’t taste
Chocolates not favorite
Away from thee

Away from thee
Far apart miles away
Sleep not mine
Food dislikes me
Music faint in my ear
Away from thee

Away from thee
Sky fills the vastness
Sand hill seem like mountains
Tub of water appears Oceanic
Days longer than nights
Away from thee

Away from thee
Sea like distance
Poems far away
Thy thoughts fill mine mind
Sweet those days
Away from thee

Come those days
Fillest mine mind
Ah! Pleasure joyous pleasure
Thou art in mine heart

Closer to thee
Distance doesn’t matter
Roses smell good
Plain rice tastes
Grain of sugar sweetest
Closer to thee

Closer to thee
Miles not a worry
Dreams art mine
Uncooked food tastes
Drums pleasing to hear
Closer to thee

Closer to thee
Sky seems a beauty
Mountains seems hillock
Oceans a drop
Nights shorter than ever
Closer to thee

Closer to thee
Music of the dancing waves
Creative thoughts filled
Thy thoughts merriest
Thou art the soul
Closer to thee

Come those days
Fillest mine mind
Ah! Pleasure joyous pleasure
Thou art in mine heart

Nay not far off
Thou art in mine own heart!


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