How I wish…

I wish I were a dew drop
Happy on a leaf
Bathe tender butterfly wings
Quench little ant’s thirst
Kissed by Sunlight
Evaporate and blend with nature
How I wish I were a dew drop

I wish I were a butterfly
Happy on a flower
Sight of joy to all
Colorful vision to onlookers
Fluttering hither and thither
To joyous tunes on nature
How I wish I were a butterfly

I wish I were a little kitten
Happy on a master’s lap
Mewing to the rhythm of chair
Soft fur coat and sparkling eyes
Licking and purring on the little ones
A walk admired by all
How I wish I were a little kitten

I wish I were a Cuckoo
Happy on a corner tree
Singing for men to enjoy
Enjoy the sights of nature
On the highest top of a tree
Songs of joy and praise of Mother Nature
How I wish I were a Cuckoo

I wish I were least a Cur
Happy on the streets
Eating what he wishes
Sleeps on any corner
Mates any cur he likes
A life of joy and pleasure
How I wish I were least a Cur

How I wish I were not a human
Unhappy a curse of the creator
Fateful to live a life of pain
Love to add on more sorrows
Eat to live and die
Unhappy a man’s life
How I wish I were not a human!


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