When is the right time?

Few days back I had attended a funeral. My colleague’s father who was 91 years old died of Corona virus, even after the traces left him. I observed that most of them, who had come to the funeral said only one thing, might have been nice if he had lived for few more days. While my colleague acted as if the man had died in his prime age. No offence meant, I felt 90 is God’s abundant love, his blessing for the man to live more and see three generations after him. While just yesterday one of my neighbor’s mother passed away with a massive cardiac arrest, I happen to hear the same comments, she was just 65 years, and this is not the time for her to die, too early for God to take her away. It is not fair on the part of fate, well this put me to think, is there any right age to die, that we would feel satisfied and say yes, he/she died it is a good age to die? Well in my opinion no human prefers to die at any age, be it 90 or 16. Life is precious to us, so precious that even after living...