My summar vacation

I wake up before the Sun, And get ready to join my father, After a long walk with my silent dad, We pass through a park, Where we stop to begin our routine, My friend Rahul and his dad jog past us, I hear him whisper to his dad, “He is my classmate” And his father, replied “Don’t talk to such boys”, Unmindful of what we heard, I help my dad, We finish our work on that spot and move on. Hot scorching Sun doesn’t stop my dad nor me, We walk bare footed on the hot tar road, Passing one destination after the other, As we walk our bags become heavier and heavier, Watching my dad walk unmindful of the weight, Had made me also bear everything, From the comments to the weight of my bag. We stop by on a road side shop for lunch, Just opposite to the busy road, Is a small restaurant, which my dad dotes on, He says one day he has to have a cup of coffee there, It would not cost more than five rupees, But just that he would not think of spending that amount for himself, Heat of the Sun doesn’t alt...